The Hidden Dangers of Excessive Screen Time on Kids’ Mental Health (And How to Fix It)
In today’s digital world, screens are everywhere—from smartphones and tablets to laptops and gaming consoles. While technology has many benefits, excessive screen time and emotional regulation issues are becoming a growing concern among parents and health experts. Research shows that excessive screen time seriously affects children’s mental well-being.
In this article, we’ll explore the negative effects of screen time, discuss the link between screen time and anxiety in kids, and provide actionable strategies for reducing screen time for better mental health.
Why Self-Care Isn’t Just for Women: Men’s Mental Health and Wellness Tips
Self-care isn’t just for women--it’s a crucial aspect of men’s mental health and overall wellness. In fact, ignoring self-care can have serious consequences for both your mental and physical well-being. Let’s break the stigma and explore why self-care matters for men, the importance of self-care for men, and how men can practice self-care daily.
ShoutOut Arizona Interview-Meet Our Founder
We were fortunate enough for ShoutOut Arizona to interview the Speak Your Mind Founder and Executive Director, Mario Spano. You can read the full interview here to learn more about how the organization got its start.
Breaking Free from Millennial Anxiety: Practical Tips for a Calmer, Happier Life
Stress and anxiety in millennials have become increasingly common as this generation navigates a unique blend of challenges and expectations. Balancing societal pressures, career aspirations, and personal goals can feel overwhelming, leading to significant mental health concerns. By understanding what drives these struggles and adopting strategies to combat them, millennials can reclaim control and find balance.
How to Raise Mentally Healthy Children: 15 Proven Strategies Every Parent Needs to Know
Raising mentally healthy children is a critical goal for parents who want their kids to grow up resilient, emotionally balanced, and prepared to handle life’s challenges. Teaching children to prioritize their mental health from an early age builds lifelong habits of well-being. Here are 15 proven strategies that parents can use to raise mentally healthy children, fostering emotional strength and resilience.
The Power of Nature on Men’s Emotional Well-Being
In today’s fast-paced world, men often find themselves overwhelmed by the demands of work, relationships, and societal expectations. Mental health struggles such as anxiety, stress, and depression are becoming increasingly common, yet many men still hesitate to seek help due to stigma or cultural norms. However, one powerful tool for improving men’s emotional well-being is often right outside the front door—nature.
How to Support Men you Love Who are Struggling with Mental Health
The purpose of this guide is to be a resource for anyone who knows a man that is struggling with mental health. Whether they are a little down or have shared thoughts of suicide, this guide is meant to educate, support and share practical steps that you can take to help them. This is not meant to replace professional therapy, but simply educate and support you through this difficult situation.
By Mario Spano
Why You Want Guy Friends
North American western culture does not promote collaboration between men. It promotes competition that is viewed as “I win, you lose.” In addition there can be a subtle, unhealthy messaging that takes place in the process. It isn’t just that you lose in a competition for a job position or in an event, but it is that you are a loser. You are worth less, you are weaker, your importance as a man is not as great as the man who wins.
By Todd Gorishek - Men’s Empowerment Coach
How to Start your Hero’s Journey, and What to Expect
The “healing journey” is a term that many are familiar with, but don’t fully understand because it is such a subjective experience. It is not one that starts in calm waters. It usually starts in a royal shit storm; probably the biggest one you’ve faced. It starts with the heartbreak from a breakup with a long-term partner, not long after you professed the intent of living happily ever after together. It starts with the sudden death of a best friend or family member from suicide. Or maybe it starts after you work a job that you dislike for so long that your mental health corrodes deep into the depths of hell until all you can see is grey. It starts with something catastrophic, something horrible.
By Mario Spano
Finding Calm Within the Storms of Life
I am a very calm man and, as such, there are many times that I feel overwhelmed by this debilitatingly loud world. Whether its my loud Italian family, unsettling music, or my own thoughts, I can easily feel overwhelmed. The real crux is when that overwhelm becomes too much and I don’t have the tools, the experience, or the support to manage it. Those are the times where the storm throws golf-ball-sized hail and can cause some real damage. At its lightest, these times can lead to a real shitty day, where you don’t get done what you planned. At its heaviest, it can lead to the slippery slope of depression and even suicide, as we are seeing happen more and more with men these days. Especially young, white men. By Mario Spano
Why Every Good Man Needs a Good Woman
We learn from women. As much as men are wired to seek only the physical, women are really here to teach us and set us straight. They are softer and more gentle than us. They are true, virtuous and compassionate without even trying. They are all the things that men are not. My grandfather always said “If you aren’t learning from the women you’re with, then what the hell are you doing?” Women are wise, infinite in their power, and have a lot to teach us if we pay attention. By Mario Spano